OK, we knew when we walked Anna into Kindergarten on her first day that this was just one of many "firsts" she would have in public school. She has been exposed to a lot of "worldly" things, and not all of it bad. Most things have been pretty uneventful. This week, Anna came home and wanted to tell me about something that happened at school that day...
Anna: Hey mom!
Me: Yeah Bug!
Anna: You see this red mark under my chin?
Me: Yes.
Anna: I bumped my chin at school today.
Me: I am so sorry. What happened?
Anna: Well, we were sitting on the floor at carpet time and I was leaning over C***** to talk to R***** and C**** raised his head and called me sexy and when he did, he bumped.....
Me: Hang on a sec. What did you just say?
Anna: I said that C**** raised his head and bumped my chin.
Me: What did you say he called you?
Anna: Oh yeah, he called me sexy. Momma, what IS a sexy?
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We know she is smart for her age, but sexy? Ha! REALLY?
Let's just say that the conversation that ensued will be kept between momma and daughter, and I think I handled it very well (if I do say so myself). I am one of those mommas that does not feel it is necessary to lie to my child to guard them from the ways of the world or to prevent an uncomfortable conversation (which it was), So we discussed it and I will tell you God really came through.
With all of that said, we really are big supporters of public school, and though it was a tough pill to swallow, it was a teaching moment for me.
***Let me pause for a moment and make a disclaimer here for all of my home school friends. I AM NOT AGAINST HOMESCHOOLING! I think God gives us discernment to do what is best for our families, and if God has led you to home school, or to do the private school thing, more power to ya! I have very dear friends who have chosen not to do public school.***
Public school has given Anna some amazing opportunities to share her faith with others. I feel like mine and Tim's job as her parents are to equip her to shine her light in a dark world, and she has truly done that! I got an e-mail from her teacher not too long ago that told me about an incident that happened in centers. A little boy had been ugly to one of his friends and before the teacher could get over to him to make him apologize, Anna swooped in and began to tell him that Jesus is so disappointed when we choose to treat others that way. The little boy looked at her and said "Who is Jesus?" Her teacher said that her eyes got really big and she said, "You don't know who Jesus is? He is God's son, and let me tell you what he did for you! He died on a cross so that we could live in heaven with Him some day, and He would not want us to treat each other badly." Her teacher said that at that point the boy apologized to his friend and they continued playing like nothing had happened. Don't you just love that? That, to me, is what it is all about! Our hearts just overflowed with joy!
So, can I handle a "sexy" conversation every so often? You bet! Is it always going to be easy? No. Will I always like it? Not on your life. But it is her little mission field and I am so thankful for her willing heart and love for the Lord. Her daddy and I have a big job ahead of us, but I know that the return on our investment will be great!
I hope this was not too much of a jumbled mess, but it was on my heart.
I would LOVE to hear your stories and what road you have chosen for your kids and why. I truly feel like there is no right or wrong when it comes to what is right for our families, as long as we feel the Lord leading!
Should I?
3 weeks ago
Leslie, I am touched by your stoiry and so proud of you, TIm and ANna!!! God is so faithful to show the fruit of your parenting labors through your child like that. He is faithful to you and faithful to her. Good job, mama!!! And we're so proud of Anna. Abby starts K this fall...we're praying for her too.
I love the last sentence - obedience to the Lord is our job, period. One thing that I tell parents looking toward the day when their children need to begin their "formal" education is this...your only mistake is if you choose to not pray about it and instead just move ahead with the "default" decision.
Yay for the strong witness! Keep shining, Anna! I love it when God shows He can work beautifully through ALL ages!!
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