Hello to all of my 2 readers out there:) I am alive and well and enjoying summer. I feel busier now than before summer! I have a bunch of fun pictures to post and funny stories to tell, but they have not been put together in a coherent way yet. So...until then, this will have to do so that you know I have not fallen off the face of the earth. My sister and her family are here from Colorado so I will be wrapped up for the next 5 days, but you have waited longer than that before:)
Anyways, until then, I will leave you with this important question....What words of wisdom can any of you share about how you keep up with your laundry. I am DROWNING!!!! I don't know how it got this way. It has not always been like this, but oh my gosh, really? There are only three of us!!! Seriously, any help will be greatly appreciated, even if all you do is tell me your laundry issues are just as bad! Love you all and will post soon.....I pinky promise!
Should I?
3 weeks ago
I think the plan that works for us is to take one day and get it done. Sean sorts and loads the washer, I keep up with getting it to the dryer and then we both fold. Usually the folding is done after the boys are in bed and we're watching tv or a movie. Hope that helps! :)
Glad to hear you are alive and well. = )
I used to do all my laundry on one day. THUD! (That was the sound of me falling on the floor in laughter at the thought of that now!) I have 5 people (soon to be six!) to wash for so that equals at least 5 loads of clothes, 1 load of towels and 1-3 loads of sheets every week. So, I have a system that I actually wrote on paper and posted.
Monday: Sheets, towels.
Tuesday: Boys clothes.
Wednesday: Ellie's clothes (I'll add the baby's to this day).
Thursday: My and Joel's colored & white clothes.
Also, we have a couple of rules for clothes. If nothing has spilled on it or sweated in it then it's still clean (mainly pants/shorts). And the only way to get a second set of clothes (kids) is for the first set to be soiled!!!
Hope this helps.
I was going to email you and ask where you have been!!! :)
You have at least 3 readers! :)
As far as laundry...even with no kids, our laundry piles up. With both of us working out in the summer everyday, our piles grow as if an extra person live here!
When it gets to be too much, I do two loads everyday to catch up. That usually does the trick within a week and I can get back to my 2 days/week schedule.
I'm never caught up. I've considered getting rid of all but two sets of clothes for each of us. :)
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